Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ward Eight Round Two

So after looking through some more Ward Eight recipes I happened across this one containing orange juice, and having just made and enjoyed a Satan's Whisker's i had a half oz of fresh OJ on hand as well as a yearning for a whisky cocktail

This round featured

2 oz Rye-- (Alberta Premium)
1/2 oz Fresh Lemon
1/2 oz Fresh Orange
1/2 oz Real Pomegranate Grenadine

So, this is from Eric Felten's How's Your Drink.  I should've known better after my first attempt that too much grenadine is a bad thing, although its no where near as sweet as my first one, which had additional syrup in it. The orange juice does add a little something to the drink, however I'd rather stick to lemon juice and add some orange bitters possibly.  This drink with 1oz lemon juice 2.25 oz Rye 1/4 oz Grenadine, 1/2 oz simple syrup and a dash of Orange bitters would be an interesting creation!!

Overall I prefer the recipe from DeGroffs book and will most likely keep tinkering with this worthy variant of the whisky sour.

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