Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Day (Gingerale & Bitters)

This post in no way encourages drinking amounts of alcohol that vastly exceed the body's capabilities.  However, if there were ever a time to do so it is/was New Years Eve, which makes New Years Day national hangover day. 

Hangover cures and other such snake-oils have been marketed for ages and if there was one sure fire way to cure headaches resulting from lack of sleep, over-consumption and general supposed debauchery I'm sure we would have heard about it.  The following, non-alcoholic suggestion was first imparted to me as such a remedy, which is first degree huey, but there is something great about ice cold Gingerale & Angostura Bitters after a night of fun...and as someone who avoids soda/juice because they really don't fit into any sort of diet, every time I drink gingerale nowadays it has bitters in it, because it, quite simply, tastes amazing.

So while it isn't a hangover cure, and only drinkable on "cheat" days, if ever there was a time for the, psycho-somatic, stomach settling effect of a cold gingerale and bitters, it is New Years Day.  May 2012 be better than 2011, and drink in moderation ;)

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